Welcome to the Classic Green website

CGR25 Volunteer Information

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Classic Green Reunion. Opportunities to volunteer are now open! To sign up, click the link below. 

Here's how to sign up:

  1. Click the "Volunteer Here!" button - this will open a new window
  2. Look for an area that interests you and click on that area
  3. Click on a time slot that best suits you and Enter in your information - This will include your First & Last name, Email, Phone Number, And T-Shirt size and then click "Volunteer"

Couple things to note:

  • You will be receiving a confirmation email with the area/day/time slot(s) you have volunteered after you sign-up.
  • If you chose a t-shirt size when signing up, you will receive a t-shirt for however many days you volunteer. Not per shift. (ex. If you sign up for 2 shifts on Thursday and 1 shift on Saturday, you will only receive 2 volunteer shirts.)
    • If you would like a t-shirt, please sign up by May 15th as we will have to place an order for shirts.

Volunteer Here!

If you have any questions about Volunteering with Classic Green, Feel free to reach out to: Heidi Knuth

You can reach her via email at: volunteeringclassicgreen@gmail.com

It's about the people.

Is a welcoming, global community of people, supporting the love and passion of all things John Deere.

Actively engages a new generation of participants in our innovative events that are exciting and educational.

Creates new friendships and connects mentors and organizations who preserve our legacy and heritage.

Classic Green Club, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 726, Durant, IA 52747

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